Implants designed to achieve high primary stability for optimised treatment protocols


Implants designed to achieve high primary stability for optimised treatment protocols


A common need for dental implant treatment is replacement of a failing molar tooth.

The size and shape of the multi-rooted socket is often not suited to the placement of a typical implant, resulting in compromised implant positioning or poor primary stability. This may result in a waiting period of 3-6 months to allow for healing before attempting to place an implant.

The healed site will often present with reduced vertical and horizontal bone height, resulting in the need for augmentation, especially in the Maxilla.

This leads to further lengthening of treatment time with increased cost and complexity.


The MAX Implant allows immediate placement in molar extraction sockets:

  • Preserving bone and soft tissue.
  • Reduces buccal bone resorption.
  • Limits sinus pneumatization – longer implant, better prognosis.
  • Faster rehabilitation.
  • Documented minimal bone remodeling.


The MAX implant advances a molar specific implant design and dedicated surgical protocol to achieve predictable placement into the multi-rooted molar sockets.

The MAX implant features a macro design with a unique thread design and a strong taper to increase the benefit of achieving optimal primary stability where bone to implant contact is low. The flute and thread design provide for self-tapping ability of the implant.

MAX-imise the preservation of surrounding bone. MAX-imise your treatment solution.

  • Available in:
    • Diameters: 6mm, 7mm, 8mm and 9mm diameter (Ø6mm in External Hex MSc only)
    • Lengths: 7mm, 9mm and 11mm
    • Connections: External Hex, Internal Hex, TRI-NEX® and Internal Octagon
  • Enhanced SInergy surface
  • Greater degree of taper
  • Fits multi-rooted molar socket and allows for immediate placement following extraction
  • Maximizes bone preservation
  • Minimizes need for bone grafting
  • Avoids adjacent tooth roots
  • Reduces treatment time
  • Ability to use standard surgical protocol and instrumentation with minimal additions
  • Increases patient acceptance
  • Ability to use compatible prosthetic components by “platform switching”
  • Reduces treatment time
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