The MAX Implants

Immediate Placement into a Multi-rooted Molar Extraction Site

The MAX Implants

Immediate Placement into a Multi-rooted Molar Extraction Site

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The MAX Implant Solution

A conventional implant is not suited for immediate placement in the molar extraction socket. As a result, waiting periods of three to four months are necessary to allow for healing of the socket prior to implant placement. Often, the healed extraction site presents with reduced bone height, inadequate for implant placement without a bone augmentation procedure.

The award-winning MAX dental implant features a unique thread and body shape designed to achieve primary stability from engagement with the interradicular bone. The end result is an optimal implant that minimizes bone loss and reduces treatment time.


Strong taper designed to achieve optimum primary stability


Bevelled machined collar minimizing plaque adhesion

Built-in Platform Shift

Prosthetic platform shift in each of the available configurations

High Strength Titanium

Enables exceptional fatigue strength functionality

Rounded Apex

Avoid perforation of the sinus membrane

SInergy™ Surface

Alumina-blasted surface with over 20 years of clinical results

  • Available with connection interfaces External Hex, Tri-Nex, Internal Octagon, Deep Conical and M-Series (Internal Hex)
  • 12°, 24° or 36° platform correction angle, dependent on range and diameter
  • Tapered body
  •  Diameters ranging from 3.25-6.00mm
  • Lengths ranging from 8.5-18mm
  • Surface roughened by Alumina blasting and chemically conditioned, giving a moderately rough surface with 15 years evidence of clinical success
  •  Available fully surface roughened or with MSc (Machined Surface Coronal) hybrid surface (External Hex & Provata Internal Hex)
  • Ideal for immediate placement after extraction
  • Reduced need for bone grafting
  • Increased patient acceptance
  • Increased parallelism in multi-implant cases
  • Ability to use standard surgical protocol and instrumentation
  • Optimised orientation allows for simplified restoration
  • Predictable aesthetics, especially in the anterior
  • Allows for screw-retained restorations
  • Reduces laboratory and component costs
  • Allows for the use of standard prosthetic components

What the MAX fixture did for me was that it allowed me to increase chances of being able to provide immediate molar replacement treatment for patients that needed immediate molar replacement. In the past we had to graft and come back and this increased appointments and reduced patient acceptance. MAX was also appealing to my referral base because they know that I can provide immediate molar replacement as an option as opposed to the traditional graft and wait approach.

Dr Safa Tahmasebi

Prosthodontist United States of America

The MAX implant is specially engineered for restoring molar sites with an appropriately high loadbearing implant. Its unique design results in an implant which achieves favourable primary stability in extraction sockets and healed ridges alike.

Michelle Dos Santos

Engineer - Southern Implants

MAX implants: a vital tool in any implant practice. They make immediate molar implant placement possible in even the most unlikely of clinical scenarios. Use of MAX implants reduce the need for sinus augmentations, thereby reducing cost, complexity and treatment duration for patients. They provide a wide platform for ideal emergence profile, huge strength, and allow impressive primary stability. A win-win for surgeon and patient. I would not be without them.

Dr Mark Worthing

Dental surgeon United Kingdom

Atieh MA, Alsabeeha NHM, Duncan WJ, de Silva RK, Cullinan MP Schwass D, Payne AGT. Immediate single implant restorations in mandibular molar extraction sockets: a controlled clinical trial. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 24, 2013, 484-496 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2011.02415.x.

Atieh MA, Payne AGT, Duncan WJ, de Silva RK, Cullinan, MP. Immediate Placement or Immediate Restoration/Loading of Single Implants for Molar Tootth Replacement: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants. 2010, Volume 25, Number 1, 401-415.

Atieh MA, Alsabeeha NHM, Payne AGT, Schwass DR, Duncan WJ. Insertion torque of immediate wide-diameter implants: A finite analysis. Quintessence Int. 2012;43:e115-e126.

Hattingh AC, De Bruyn H, Ackermann A, Vandeweghw S. Immediate Placement of Ultrawide-Diameter Implants in Molar Sockets: Description of a Recommended Technique. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2018;38:17-23. doi: 10.11607/prd.3433.

Egbert N, Ahuja S, Selecman A, Wicks R. Single tooth restoration in the maxilla with an ultra-wide diameter implant: A clinical report. J Adv Oral Res 2016;7(3):41-45.

Smith RB, Tarnow DP. Classification of Molar Extraction Sites for Immediate Dental Implant Placement: Technical Note. The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants. 2013;28:911-916: doi 10.11607/jomi.2627.

Vandeweghe S, Ackermann A, Bronner J, Hattingh A, Tschakaloff A, De Bruyn H. A Retrospective, Multicenter Study on a Novo Wide-Body Implant for Posterior Regions. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. 2009, 1-12. Doi 10.1111/j.1708-8208.2009.00253.x.

Vandeweghe S, De Bruyn H. A within-implant comparison to evaluate the concept of platform switching. A randomized controlled trial. Eur J Oral Implantol 2012;5(3):253-262.

Vandeweghe S, Hattingh A, Wennerberg A, De Bruyn H. Surgical Protocol and Short-Term Clinical Outcome of Immediate Placement in Molar Extraction Sockets Using a Wide Body Implant.
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2011 (Jul-Sep);2(3):e1.

Vandeweghe S, De Ferrerre R, Tschakaloff A. De Bruyn H. A Wide-Body Implant as an Alternative for Sinus Lift or Bone Grafting. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2011;69:e67-e74

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