INVERTA Dental Implants
The INVERTA Implant is a novel implant incorporating an innovative Body-Shift Design allowing for apical bone engagement in immediate implant placement and a coronal chamber for bone growth resulting in natural aesthetics.
The anatomic limitations of the anterior maxilla often require either tilting of the implant or a grafting procedure. The resulting implant angulation often necessitates a severe angle correction at the prosthetic level. This can lead to potential esthetic and/or soft tissue complications.
The INVERTA Implant represents the latest breakthrough technology from Southern Implants and is designed for optimizing aesthetics in maxillary anterior extraction socket sites. INVERTA helps clinicians achieve optimized aesthetics for their patients with its innovative Body-Shift Design. A chamber for bone growth is created in the inverted coronal segment of the implant enhancing the ability to obtain natural looking aesthetics. The wider apical portion allows the implant to achieve primary stability critical in immediate placement.
Technical Facts
- External Hex and Deep Conical Connections
- 12° Co-Axis® with integrated Subcrestal Angle Correction® and Straight Implant Designs.
- Body Shifted Coronal Section vs Tapered Apical section is 50:50.
- External Hex offers 3.5 and 4.2 coronal diameters with 4.5 and 5.0mm diameter in the maximum apical section.
- External Hex uses the IBN 3.43 and IB 4.0 restorative platforms.
- Deep Conical offers 3.6 and 4.0 coronal diameters and 4.5 and 4.0mm diameter in the maximum apical section.
- Deep Conical uses the 4.0 (blue) restorative platform.
- Lengths include 10, 11.5, 13 and15mm for Deep Conical Straight and 11.5, 13 and 15mm for Co-Axis Deep Conical, External Hex Straight and Co-Axis.
Surgical Benefits
- Ideal for immediate placement after extraction.
- Aggressive V-Shaped threads in the apical portion designed for better primary stability.
- Narrow coronal portion creates chamber for bone growth and more soft tissue volume.
- Square 60° coronal thread to avoid soft tissue irritation during bone remodeling phase.
- Minimal instrumentation
- High Strength CP4 Titanium with a > 900MPa fatigue strength
- SInergy™ Surface with 20 years of clinical research showing consistently excellent results.
Prosthetic Benefits
- 12° Co-Axis provide the ideal prosthetic platform for screw-retained restorations.
- Predictable anterior aesthetics.
- Reduced laboratory and component costs.
- Allows for the use of standard prosthetic components in both internal and external connections.